
Can you describe your role at IMGS ?

My job is to ensure our customers have the right tools, support and training to achieve their goals.

How long have you worked here?

Three years this coming January.

Before working at IMGS, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

I spent over a decade working in retail telecoms so fairly normal stuff, but when I was 18 I sold Eircom phone-watch alarms door to door.  Needless to say I met a lot of interesting characters doing this job.

What do you like to do on the weekends?

My weekend routine is very mundane, in the morning I go for breakfast with friends, in the afternoon I spend some time with my three crazy nieces and nephews, and if I’m lucky I’ll get to have a beer or two in the evening in my local.

What’s your favourite App?

This is a tough question. On the social side, I like Instagram and Youtube but I have a love for cars. I’m always checking Car Zone & Done Deal for a bargain on a nice classic car.

What’s on your bucket list?

I have been fortunate enough to have ticked a few things off my list already, things like seeing the Pyramids and swimming with dolphins. In saying that I still have a lot on the list to do, things like sky diving and to swim in every Ocean.

What do you enjoy most about working at IMGS?

I really enjoy my job, I think we have a great team here in IMGS so this definitely is up there along with our coffee machine but it has to be our customers. Every week I meet someone new with an interesting idea or project they’d like us to support them with.  It keeps the job fresh and interesting.

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