IMAGINE Photogrammetry

A Complete Suite Of Photogrammetry
Software Tools

Transform Raw Imagery into Reliable Data Layers

IMAGINE Photogrammetry, a seamlessly integrated collection of software tools, enables you to transform raw imagery into reliable data layers required for all digital mapping, raster processing, GIS raster analysis, and 3D visualisation needs. 

This integrated software platform means robust photogrammetry, GIS, image processing and point cloud tools are all made available in one powerful product. Distribute processing over multiple cores or workstations effectively maximising available recourses and production output. 

A fully functional photogrammetry system packaged in a user-friendly environment, IMAGINE Photogrammetry provides results for everyone, from photogrammetry novices through advanced users. State-of-the-art photogrammetry technology, such as full analytical triangulation, digital terrain model generation, orthophoto production, producing orthomosaics, and extracting 3D features, has been included in the easy-to-use environment.

By automating precision measurement and including flexible operations such as terrain editing and feature extraction, IMAGINE Photogrammetry increases productivity while ensuring high accuracy. IMAGINE Photogrammetry is the most flexible photogrammetry solution on the market, handling a variety of workflows including:

  • Triangulation and orthomosaic production.
  • Broad area mapping.
  • Transportation Planning.
  • Engineering and facilities mapping
  • Defence applications.
  • Close-range applications.
  • Triangulation and orthomosaic production.
  • Broad area mapping.
  • Transportation Planning.
  • Engineering and facilities mapping
  • Defence applications.
  • Close-range applications.

Tight integration with ERDAS IMAGINE® means that this is the ideal photogrammetric package for projects involving varied types of data and further processing and analysis of airborne and satellite imagery. The added power of IMAGINE Advantage® is included with every IMAGINE Photogrammetry licence, enabling you to go beyond the standard photogrammetric outputs and deliver value-added products to your customers.

IMAGINE Photogrammetry Capabilities

Produce Accurate Data using Triangulation

Tie imagery together and to ground reference points for additional data processing, such as DTM extraction, terrain editing, orthorectification, and feature collection.

Extract 3D Point Clouds with Semi-Global Matching

Create an accurate dense point cloud with high-definition hard edges on rooftops and encode the point cloud output for an image-like quality dataset.

Extract 3D Point Clouds with Semi-Global Matching

Create an accurate dense point cloud with high-definition hard edges on rooftops and encode the point cloud output for an image-like quality dataset.

Produce Orthomosaics for Seamless Map Displays

Mosaic hundreds of images together into a single image view for more accurate and up-to-date information.

Harness Point Cloud Data

Manipulate LiDAR data interactively while displayed in 2D, 3D and profile views.

Harness Point Cloud Data

Manipulate LiDAR data interactively while displayed in 2D, 3D and profile views.

Save Processing Time

Distribute processing over multiple cores or workstations, effectively maximising available resources and production output.

IMAGINE Photogrammetry Resources

Photogrammetry Products Brochure

Photogrammetry Product Brochure

IMAGINE Photogrammetry Brochure

Imagine Photogrammetry Brochure

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