Robyn Dennehy Staff Profile

Robyn Dennehy Staff Profile

Robyn Dennehy Staff Profile

Can you describe your role at IMGS?

I work as a Managed Service Lead here in IMGS.  This role involves providing a higher level of support for our larger customers.  I take the lead on resolving any queries or support calls these customers raise and collaborate with them to carry out any development work.  I also apply my GIS and FME knowledge to other projects within IMGS and assist on our helpdesk where possible.

What do you enjoy most about working at IMGS?

I really enjoy the variety of work within my role and getting to work alongside a brilliant group of people.  Every week is a bit different and I’m always learning something new.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Music is probably my biggest hobby.  I’ve been involved in some form of music pastime since I was 7 or 8 years old and I currently play the clarinet with the Clonmel Concert Band.  I imagine it is the same for any hobby, but I find it incredibly rewarding to work with a group of musicians on pieces of music and hear it all come together for concerts and competitions.  I’ve had the opportunity to play alot of different genres of music, with fantastic performers and I got to travel around a bit with it too.  It’s been a fantastic hobby to have.

What movie genres interest you the most?

I enjoy movies from a lot of different genres, but you can’t beat the feel-good escapism of a Rom-Com!

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

Music is probably my biggest hobby.  I’ve been involved in some form of music pastime since I was 7 or 8 years old and I currently play the clarinet with the Clonmel Concert Band.  I imagine it is the same for any hobby, but I find it incredibly rewarding to work with a group of musicians on pieces of music and hear it all come together for concerts and competitions.  I’ve had the opportunity to play alot of different genres of music, with fantastic performers and I got to travel around a bit with it too.  It’s been a fantastic hobby to have.

What movie genres interest you the most?

I enjoy movies from a lot of different genres, but you can’t beat the feel-good escapism of a Rom-Com!

What's the one thing that you couldn't live without?

That would be of course my family and friends.  If I were to pick something inanimate, it would be a tough choice between coffee and my Spotify subscription.

What are some of your favourite local spots to visit?

I moved back to South Tipperary a few months ago and have been rediscovering Clonmel and the surrounding area.  There are some lovely walks nearby going down along the River Suir and out around Marlfield Lake.  At the weekend, it’s great to get a coffee from Fetch or No Filter and head out to one of these routes.

River Suir for Robyn's Blog

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

This is a tough one because there’s so many places I’d love to see.   New Zealand has been on my list for a while now.  I’ve always heard amazing things about the country and the geographer in me is fascinated by the landscape there.

What's something that you've always wanted to try or learn?

I’m terrified of heights, but I’ve always wanted to try zip lining.  I’ve heard of some great zip lining experiences in different countries, and I’d love to try one sometime (if I could find the courage!).

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

This is a tough one because there’s so many places I’d love to see.   New Zealand has been on my list for a while now.  I’ve always heard amazing things about the country and the geographer in me is fascinated by the landscape there.

What's something that you've always wanted to try or learn?

I’m terrified of heights, but I’ve always wanted to try zip lining.  I’ve heard of some great zip lining experiences in different countries, and I’d love to try one sometime (if I could find the courage!).

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