FME Platform 2022.0

FME 2022.0 New Release

FME 2022.0 New Release

Enhance Collaboration & Communication

FME 2022.0 is packed with new features that are designed for performance, collaboration and flexible automation that will help organisations make data-driven decisions faster and more effectively!

Visually Compare and Merge Workspaces

This exciting new feature allows users to collaborate with team members and maintain workspace updates in a simple and intuitive interface. Now, you can compare two workspaces side-by-side to see the changes that were made and instantly merge changes together. Easily manage and review your work in a secure and reliable environment, without leaving Workbench. And the best part? No coding required.

FME 2022.0 New Feature

Identify Runtime User

Safe Software have made it easy for admins and authors to see who accessed and ran an authenticated Workspace App in the Jobs history page. Gain visibility into user data to troubleshoot or send timely communications to the right people.

Improve Data Quality

Achieve high data quality and reduce storage cost with dynamic control of large datasets in your enterprise systems. Take the guesswork out of the process and produce best-fit data outputs at runtime with SchemaScanner, helping you manage active metadata and detect schema drift.

The enhanced EsriReprojector transformer now supports vertical and time-dependent coordinate systems. Make time-dependent transformations and position your data within an epoch.

Improve Data Quality

Ultimate Time Savings

FME 2022 continues to drive speed to insight to help you advance your spatial analysis and unlock new opportunities. Safe Software have fine-tuned the inner workings of FME to help you tackle datasets of any size, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and achieve business results faster and easier than ever before.

Additionally, you can now save time with UPSERT*. Synchronise and manage data in near real-time and simplify your workspace, all with no code! 

*Support in 2022.0 includes PostgreSQL, PostGIS, PostGIS Raster, SpatiaLite, SQLite, with more to come in the Summer Release.

Flexible Automation at Scale

Allocate resources where you need them most.  With the addition of Server Analytics, you’ll gain increased control over engine assignments to help you optimise future workloads. See historical data of running jobs at various time intervals and uncover trends that allow you to know when and where to add additional data processing resources

Flexible Automation at Scale

Increased Organisation Security

With FME 2022, Safe Software are introducing the ability to centralise user authentication with SAML 2.0. Integrate FME Server with your existing identity providers and manage credentials through one centralised system. 

New Formats & Systems

Unfolded Studio

Read or write to and from Unfolded Studio using FME. Visualise data in your browser. Also available for download on FME Hub

Unfolded Logo

Precisely Maps

Use FME to overlay your data points over a Precisely background map.

Truvision TGA

Read TARGA raster images and apply textures to older 3d animation models.


Flexible Image Transport System (FITS)

Read and write to this versatile image and data table container format recognised by NASA and IAU.



SpatiaLite (GDAL) and SpatiaLite (FDO) is now one centralized format in FME: SpatiaLite


OGC Catalogue Service for the Web

Read XML catalogues of geospatial records for the web.


FME 2020 by Gavin Park, Lead Solutions Consultant IMGS

FME Desktop 2020.0

It’s likely that 2020 will be remembered for a long time so it is perhaps fitting that the focus on the FME 2020 release has been finding your data zen and making working with data even easier.

FME started 2020 ready to prove it had come of age and was no longer that geeky tool sat on the GIS computer, but was a tool that delivered across the whole organisation. 2020 has proven to be the year that has shown it can.

FME is for the Organisation

FME’s goal is to support individuals and organisations of any size with integrating departments, applications and systems. This is a goal that has become increasingly important, as organisations try to adapt to new ways of working and increased demands for data to meet new challenges.