GeoMedia Desktop

Flexible And Dynamic GIS Management

Geomedia helps you extract information from an array of dynamically changing data to make informed, smarter decisions.  It provides a single map view to process, analyse, present and share data.

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Maps present data visually, allowing you to visualise location and gain other information from your data. Making the information-gathering process easier—making a good map—requires powerful analytical tools and clear symbolisation. Whether updating land and tax records, analysing traffic flow and accidents, or determining the best locations for evacuation centres, GeoMedia combines tabular and geographic data to produce actionable information.

GeoMedia is a powerful, flexible GIS management platform that lets you aggregate data from a variety of sources and analyse them in unison to extract clear, actionable information. It provides simultaneous access to geospatial data in almost any form and displays it in a single unified map view for efficient processing, analysis, presentation, and sharing. GeoMedia’s functionality makes it ideal for extracting information from an array of dynamically changing data to support informed, smarter decision-making.

GeoMedia Capabilties

Superior Data Access

GeoMedia is a leading GIS choice among users who want to connect directly to the spatially enabled databases they already use — such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostGIS – without using importers or converters.

Utility organisations use GeoMedia to better plan, operate, and manage assets using geospatial intelligence and smart workflows. 


Get Real-time Data for Smart Cities

GeoMedia tools and analytics help city leaders increase the quality of urban services, engage with the community, and decrease overall costs and resource consumption.

As the data changes, GeoMedia updates the results for you automatically, giving you a living picture of the real-life situations portrayed by your data. This capability can also be used to conduct powerful “what-if” analyses for strategic planning.

Generate Actionable Information For Public Safety

Public safety agencies use GeoMedia to analyse live queries for fast results, determine event hotspots for mitigation, and run historical queries for future insight.

Whether analysing traffic flow and accidents, or determining the best locations for evacuation centers, GeoMedia combines tabular and geographic data to produce actionable information.


Ensure Safe And Maintained Roads for Travellers

GeoMedia assists transportation agencies with managing and analysing their networks, generating reports, and determining appropriate actions to ensure safety on their roadways.

The GeoMedia analysis capabilities allows agencies to track information about their networks, perform specialised analyses and help make better decisions about public safety, maintenance priorities, and expenditure of funds.

What Can GeoMedia Do?

GeoMedia Resources

GeoMedia Brochure


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GeoMedia Desktop 2022 Update


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